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LNG储罐是LNG接收站中关键的设备之一,其工程质量非常重要。为使罐壁施工质量达到良好状态,可事先采用施工用的混凝土、钢筋和DOKA模板等施工材料建造小段试验墙,根据这段试验墙可以提前发现工程可能出现的缺陷,这些缺陷包括模板错缝、预埋件凹陷、混凝土表面局部气孔麻面、墙体裂缝、漏浆及混凝土表面色差等,对这些缺陷产生的原因进行分析并采取相应的控制措施,以确保罐壁施工顺利且高质量进行。  相似文献   
Indoor air quality in subterranean train stations is a concern in many places around the globe. However, due to the specificity of each case, numerous parameters of the problem remain unknown, such as the braking discs particle emission rate, the ventilation rate of the station or the complete particle size distribution of the emitted particles. In this study the problem of modelling PM10 concentration evolution in relation with train traffic is hence addressed with a particle-mass conservation model which parameters are fitted using a genetic algorithm. The parameters of the model allow to reproduce the dynamics and amplitude of four field data sets from the French and Swedish underground contexts and comply with realistic bounds in terms of emissions, deposition and ventilation rate.  相似文献   
公路工程施工管理直接关系到工程项目的质量,在施工中加强管理控制是十分必要的,结合公路工程施工管理的特点,对影响公路工程管理质量的因素进行分析,并提出具体解决对策,对类似工程施工有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
The paper evaluates the effectiveness of strategies designed to reduce these pollutants in port areas, based on a newly developed assessment model to calculate emissions. The case study found that the strategy of reducing the ship’s speed to 12 knots is most effective in cutting fuel consumption and costs, as well as emissions. Adopting an onshore power supply system could reduce CO2 emission by 57.16% and PM by 39.4%. By adopting the strategies of both reduced speed and cold ironing emissions control, a reduction in emissions of 71% to 91% can be achieved with a 20 nautical mile reduced speed zone. Therefore, the goals of reductions in emissions to improve port areas air quality could be achieved through adopting a green port policy in the future.  相似文献   
针对码头工程中如何多方位将节能增效措施融入到设计中的问题,以长江江苏段某散杂码头及其堆场的设计为例,在工艺、结构、电气等方面采用多方位比较的方法,工艺采用装船机、取料机和皮带机变频联动系统、旋转式过渡皮带车以及三工位头部伸缩装置等措施,结构方面陆域轨道基础采用新型专利,电气方面采用风光互补路灯及岸电系统等不同的节能增效措施,使项目更经济合理、效益显著。  相似文献   
随着科技的进步及项目管理水平的提高,BIM技术应运而生。本文以清华珠三角研究院粤港澳大湾区创新基地项目为依托,从应用目标、应用前准备工作、前期策划管理、技术管理、质量安全管理、物资设备管理、进度管理、经济成本管理等方面开展BIM技术在公建项目施工中的应用研究,结果表明:使用BIM技术,使项目管理走向精细化、全面化、高效化,并提高质量标准,增加安全保障,减少项目成本,提高项目利润率;同时与AI技术相结合,使BIM技术更加具有简便性,产出更大效益。  相似文献   
SK?2型双块式混凝土轨枕是高速铁路无砟轨道结构中的重要预制件,单一生产厂日均产量达到800~1400根,但目前的人工检测方式无法满足双块式轨枕的出厂检验要求。本文提出的双块式轨枕外形质量快速检测系统可满足TB/T 3397—2015《CRTS双块式无砟轨道混凝土轨枕》的出厂检验要求,与双块式轨枕生产线相匹配,大大提高了检测效率,实现了双块式轨枕全参数、自动化、智能化检测。检测数据自动上传至生产管理平台,可对双块式轨枕生产质量进行跟踪管理。  相似文献   
艰险山区铁路工程沿线地区一般具有自然灾害频发、高原高寒缺氧、建设条件极为困难、施工周期超长等复杂的外部环境。为满足艰险山区铁路施工营地建设“以人文本”需求,给参建人员生活提供适宜安全的环境,基于艰险山区铁路工程施工营地建设的外部环境分析,从房屋材质备选方案比选、营地建设需解决的关键技术问题、节能环保等方面对施工营地建设关键技术问题进行研究,并提出具体的方案与建议。研究成果可为山区铁路及类似工程的施工营地建设提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
"育德"轮是上海船舶研究设计院为集美大学设计的用于航海专业教学实习、科学研究兼顾货物运输的教学实习船。该船是目前世界吨位最大的教学实习船,配备了功能齐全的教学设施、先进的科研设备以及舒适的学习生活环境。该船还具有安全性高、绿色环保和经济性优异等特点。  相似文献   
While the phenomenon of excess vehicle emissions from cold-start conditions is well known, the magnitude and duration of this phenomenon is often unclear due to the complex chemical processes involved and uncertainty in the literature on this subject. This paper synthesizes key findings regarding the influence of ambient and engine temperatures on light-duty vehicle (LDV) emissions. Existing literature, as well as analytical tools like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES), indicate that while total vehicle emissions have dropped significantly in recent years, those associated with cold starts can still constitute up to 80% for some pollutant species. Starting emissions are consistently found to make up a high proportion of total transportation-related methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). After 3–4 min of vehicle operation, both the engine coolant and the catalytic converter have generally warmed, and emissions are significantly lower. This effect lasts roughly 45 min after the engine is shut off, though the cooling rate depends greatly on the emission species and ambient temperature. Electrically (pre-)heated catalysts, using the bigger batteries available on hybrid drivetrains and plug-in vehicles, may be the most cost-effective technology to bring down a sizable share of mobile source emissions. Trip chaining (to keep engines warm) and shifting to non-motorized modes for shorter trips, where the cold start can dominate emissions, are also valuable tactics.  相似文献   
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